A happy me

A happy me
family - is everything

Friday, April 27, 2012

The New Girls - chickens

Super excited!!! We picked up our 30 Ostrolope chickens last night!!! They were pretty scared.  I hope they are all still alive this morning after spending the night in the coop w/ the 6 hens we have. eek!

Here are a couple pics:

Little E helped carry a box of 10 wk old chicks to the coop. What a strong boy! :)

A shot of the New Girls

This is fun stuff! For me at least.  This means lots and lots of eggs to sell this summer!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Frugal Repurpose!

Ok, so a few years ago, a family member gave us a metal Futon bed.  They didn't have the 'bed cushion' to go with it though, and we never found a place for the bed anywhere in our tiny home. So, it lived in our garage.  We looked into buying a cushion for it, but they were expensive!!!  So, we now have TWO gate doors for our Chicken fence. :) Hubby hung the second section yesterday and it looks great!  We'll cover these w/ chicken wire so the young birds can't escape their LARGE fenced area.  Getting the 30 hens next week! Very exciting!